Date: 08/06/2009 19:20:21 UTC
Subject: RE: omagh

The Real IRA point is addressed at [80]-[86] and [270], treating it as

an unincorporated association which could be represented in the

proceedings by one of the other defendants.  It appears that, in a

separate judgment, the Judge had already ruled against an award of

exemplary damages (see [271]).  Andrew

>  -----Original Message-----

> From:

> []

> Sent:        08 June 2009 20:07

> To:;

> Subject:        RE: omagh


> The judgment is available in full on the Belfast Telegraph website at:



> iv

> il-action-judgment-in-full-14330851.html


> Kind regards

> Andrew


> >  -----Original Message-----

> > From:        Tettenborn, A []

> > Sent:        08 June 2009 17:08

> > To:

> > Subject:        omagh

> >

> > Colleagues:

> >

> >

> > Apart from the findings of fact and their obvious political

> > implications, there are a couple of other features of the Omagh

> > bombing judgment of Morgan J in the NI High Court today that seem

> > interesting. According to a number of news reports, inc the BBC:

> >

> > 1. He ordered punitive damages. Now, as far as I can see this case

> > can't have come within the Rookes v Barnard criteria of either (a)

> > oppressive action by the state, or (b) a tort committed with a view

> to

> > profit. If so it may be that the point left open by Browne-Wilkinson

> > in Kuddus -- i.e. whether these restrictions remain after the

> removal

> > of the "cause of action" rule -- has been dealt with.

> >

> > 2. He seems to have awarded damages against the Real IRA as well as

> > against the individual Fenians. This outfit presumably is an

> > unincorporated organisation (the mind boggles at a memorandum of

> > association saying Purposes of company -- terrorism and murder): I'd

> > be fascinated to know on what theory he allowed an organisation to

> be

> > sued that in law doesn't exist.

> >

> > No doubt we'll have to wait for further elucidation until we see the

> > text. Or does anyone in the Group have it?

> >

> >

> > Best (and now back to the grading).

> >

> > Andrew

> >

> > [CC]Office[/CC]

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